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H.B. Compliance Solutions

H.B. Compliance Solutions

What We Do!

H.B. Compliance Solutions is an independent company offering a complete range of compliance services solutions that includes EMI/EMC, Wireless, Consulting, Product Safety and Environmental testing with full compliance services. We strive to offer the best compliance testing for your device at a fair price. We have been constantly serving the best EMC testing services for electronic businesses since 2009. Call us today at 480-684-2969 to request a quote.

Our Services

  • EMC Testing
  • FCC Certification
  • Wireless Testing
  • Product Safety
  • Environmental Safety
  • Consulting
  • Global Approvals
Phone: 480-684-2969

About H.B. Compliance Solutions

H.B. Compliance Solutions is an ANAB accredited ISO 17025 testing laboratory and has been serving clients with product approvals since 2009. We are located in Tempe, Arizona and are ideally situated just ten minutes away from the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

Our Goal – To work with companies and act as their internal compliance group to get all necessary product approvals and provide assistance in identifying the correct standard for your product(s). H.B. Compliance Solutions will work with your team from the design phase to product approval for various countries including USA (FCC), Canada (IC) and Europe (CE Mark).

Experience – Our NARTE Certified Staff with over 25 years of experience have gained diverse understanding of EMC and Wireless technologies including Bluetooth, RFID, WLAN and UWB in both testing and certification.

Our Service – We can help identify issues in an early phase so companies do not have to go through a costly process to re-spin their boards when their devices do not meet the local regulations. We will consult and in some cases become an in-house compliance group, which helps companies who do not have full-time regulatory personnel on staff. Our facility is fully equipped with all the necessary test equipment to perform the pre-compliance testing so companies can have their compliance folder ready upfront.

Our Location:

5005 S. Ash Avenue, Suite A-10
Tempe, Arizona 85282 US

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