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Individual Patent Idea Protection, Intellectual Property Law Firm US

IP Legal Services

What We Do!

IP Procure routinely files business method patents in the business method art. A non exhaustive and exemplary list of our US granted business method patents

Our Services

  • Patents
  • Trademarks
  • Copyrights
  • Publications defense

About IP Legal Services

IP Legal Services provides patent and trademark legal services nationwide. We also provide patent and trademark filing services in foreign countries through our foreign associates. Our services include patent searches, patent application drafting and filing, patent application prosecution, trademark searches, trademark filing, trademark application prosecution and copyright registration. Our patent attorney also files international patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and international trademark applications under the Madrid Protocol though the World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
IP Legal Services' offices are located in San Jose, California and in Sewell, New Jersey. Although, our clients are placed in six different continents, we effectively communicate with them, and draft and file their patent applications through the use of e-mail, phone, and web conferencing. These tools have allowed us to interact just as effectively with our clients to obtain a summary of the concept of the invention and the idea. Furthermore, such electronic correspondence saves the client time in travel and expense. Optionally, our patent attorney is available for a face to face meeting with a client to discuss the invention.
A provisional application is generally filed if your funding is limited at this point, or if you wish to check out the market regarding the marketability of your product. After a provisional patent application is filed, you may contact appropriate persons to provide funding for filing a non-provisional patent application and for commercializing your product.

A provisional application allows you to mark your product "Patent Pending" and provides patent pending protection for one (1) year. A provisional application must be rolled over to a regular, non-provisional application before the end of the one year period if the inventor needs protection beyond the one year period.

Alternatively, you may directly file a regular, non-provisional patent application. A regular, non-provisional patent application entitles the applicant to 20 years patent protection from the date of filing if the application is allowed and the patent granted by the U.S.PTO.

You may pay by check, or by credit card with an additional 2% credit card processing fee, or, on a monthly installment plan with no interest. Step 4: We will send you the draft of the patent application for your review and edit. Your changes will then be incorporated in the patent application. Once you approve the patent application for filing, the application will be filed with the U.S.PTO.

Our Location:

90 Great Oaks Blvd #209
San Jose, California 95119 US

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